Monday, September 21, 2020

A you tube channel

You probably have heard about Ayanda Aza Ndim'intomnomxhosa and Tata Kanantsika sensational and always wanted to know what she is all about, I can tell you that she is a very good song writer, want to try her out to write a song for you do check her out on this 
youTube channel.
Ayanda Aza Ndim'intomnomxhosa

She is born Ayanda Penelope Zigana from Sterkspruit in the Eastern cape.
She is all about music.

When she tried her lady luck in 2005 Idols season5 She was told that she is a very good song writer, and is really living up to prove that was no mistake. 

Recently invited to attended music mentorship by Michael W Smith and other great musicians in the USA Nashville in the united states where she was suppose to attend this May as one of 'The' Objective delegates and is also a member of Pace Africa, Global Citezen and Amandla Mobi supporting communities with charity activities, is one of her passions and have supported small and big charity  campaigns that have brought change in mainly poverty alleviation by supporting pattitions that forced the Government to take big changing decisions that benefits SA citizens who live below poverty margins.

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